Tired of trying to build your business by yourself? You don't have to do it alone.

Don't Go It Alone

Get The Help You Need To Build A Business You Love

Together, we've got this.

I Help Service Business Owners

Get More Customers

So They Can Make More Money and Have a Bigger Impact

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(Without Sacrificing Their Health or Their Family).  

Ron Tester
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Our Products

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Product 1 Title Can Go Right Here

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Product 2 Title Can Go Right Here

Benefit Sub Title Goes Here

Product 3 Title Can Go Right Here

Ron Tester


Ron Tester

Hi there. I'm Ron. I've been a small business owner for more than 20 years, and I’ve been coaching other professionals and small business owners for more than 9 years. I have two coaching certifications: Book Yourself Solid ® and The Center for Executive Coaching.

My Story

When I started my first business more than 20 years ago, I was a bit like a deer in headlights, unsure of so many things. I was obsessed with what "I didn't know that I didn't know." I thought bringing in some "expert" consultants would be the answer. But, honestly? They just didn’t get the heart and soul of a small business. They handed me generic advice, which wasn't helpful at all, because they had no idea what it was like to own and run a small business.

Why We Might Click

I’ve been where you are. Late nights? Check. Stress about payroll? Been there. But, through all the ups and downs, I managed to build something beautiful. I crafted a business that could run without me. I had amazing employees. And in the end, I had a successful exit. Now, I get to pick where and when I work.

So Why Do I Coach?

My goal is to be the friend and mentor I could have used all those years ago. The truth is, building a business is hard, but it's exponentially harder if you try to do it alone. 

Get To Know Ron Tester Better

Business Coach


Problems Your avatar

Is Experiencing


Does This Sound Like You?

This is where you address some of the challenges or struggles your avatar might be facing.  When you list some of their biggest problems/frustrations better than they can, they'll know you are talking to THEM, and that they are in the right place. 

  • Do you feel like... didn't believe in myself (internal belief)
  • Does it seem... I have no outside help or resources (external)
  • Are you frustrated that... The market is in a downturn (environment)
  • And when it comes down to it, do you...  big summed-up problem here


Proven Outcomes

Craige Thompson

Ron is a step above in his level of thinking and this has a direct impact on his ability to help others. His active listening skills come out with the powerful questions he asks. In growing my small business, Ron was able to get me thinking of perspectives I would have not developed without his support. He has the hands-on experience behind him to accelerate the success of small business owners, driven by purpose and care. I would recommend Ron if you are looking to take your business to the next level!

Craige Thompson, JD, EE, PE
Patent Attorney

Trevor Blondeel

Ron is a step above in his level of thinking and this has a direct impact on his ability to help others. His active listening skills come out with the powerful questions he asks. In growing my small business, Ron was able to get me thinking of perspectives I would have not developed without his support. He has the hands-on experience behind him to accelerate the success of small business owners, driven by purpose and care. I would recommend Ron if you are looking to take your business to the next level!

Trevor Blondeel
Certified Manufacturing Leadership Coach

Matt Newton

Ron was unbelievably helpful to me both personally and professionally. I was skeptical about using a small business coach but went ahead and fully committed to Ron and his teachings. After I stepped out of my comfort zone I really started to see the fruit of the labor we put in together and still continue to see it today. Years later I am able to attribute the strength of my company and the fact that I have an organization I now work on and not in to my time being coached. Not to mention that the quality of life with my wife and the boys is now better than ever.

Matt Newton
Business Owner/General Manager


Podcast Title Here

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Add short copy here that gives a description of your podcast (who it is for, what you talk about), and captures their INTEREST so they'll click on the episodes below. 

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Episode 132- Title Here
Add short punchy copy here that gets them excited to listen to this episode, and how they'll benefit from it.  Listen To More

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Episode 143- Title Here
Add short punchy copy here that gets them excited to listen to this episode, and how they'll benefit from it.  Listen To More

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Episode 178- Title Here
Add short punchy copy here that gets them excited to listen to this episode, and how they'll benefit from it.  Listen To More


All Our Products

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Product Title Here

Add a description here of what the product is, WHY it is so amazing, WHY they need it, and what they'll learn/discover from it.

In this course, you will learn:

  • ​Awesome thing/Benefit 1, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • Awesome thing/Benefit 2, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • ​Awesome thing​/Benefit 3, so you can...<what it means for them>
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Product Title Here

Add a description here of what the product is, WHY it is so amazing, WHY they need it, and what they'll learn/discover from it.

Inside this training, you will discover:

  • ​Awesome thing/Benefit 1, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • Awesome thing/Benefit 2, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • ​Awesome thing​/Benefit 3, so you can...<what it means for them>
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Product Title Here

Add a description here of what the product is, WHY it is so amazing, WHY they need it, and what they'll learn/discover from it.

Inside, we'll show you:

  • ​Awesome thing/Benefit 1, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • Awesome thing/Benefit 2, so you can...<what it means for them>
  • ​Awesome thing​/Benefit 3, so you can...<what it means for them>


Profitable Growth

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Thursday, June 08, 2023

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Click The Button Below And Give Me Your Best Email Address To Get <your lead magnet>, and <tell them what you'll give/send them when they sign up, so they know there is something in it for THEM.)